ECG and Spirometry

Resting ECG (electrocardiogram)
The resting ECG records the current flow curve of the heart with the patient resting. The examination is performed e.g. in the event of suspected pulse irregularities, circulatory disturbances, or before operations.
Exercise ECG (electrocardiogram)
The Exercise ECG records the current flow curve of the heart and the blood pressure, i.e. on the bicycle ergometer. This examination is performed e.g. in the event of
• pulse irregularities
• cardiac circulatory disturbances (Angina pectoris)
• assessment of physical fitness.
Long-term blood pressure measurement
The long-term blood pressure measurement measures the blood pressure regularly with the aid of a measuring device worn for up to 24 hours, during the day approximately every 15 minutes and overnight approximately every 30 minutes. The digitally recorded results can then be evaluated.
Here, above all the absolute systolic and diastolic blood pressure values and changes in the blood pressure are examined during the day and night.
Pulmonary function test
With the pulmonary function test, the functional capability of the lungs is tested.
The test is performed e.g. with:
• bronchial asthma
• chronic bronchitis
• shortness of breath under stress
• before diving
Here, particularly the lung volume and the forced expiratory volume (the amount of air that the patient can expel in one second) are examined.