Nutritional medicine
Nutritional medicine is a central element in the prevention and therapy of numerous diseases and at the same time an important foundation for vitality and well-being. Our offer focuses on
• overweight / weight loss
• underweight / undernourishment
• diagnosis in the event of suspected vitamin and micronutritional deficiency
• diagnosis in the event of nutritional intolerances and
• diagnosis and nutritional consulting in the event of irritable colon disorders.
You would like to lose weight and feel better? For sustained weight reduction it is necessary to consider the biological programmes and laws which determine the functioning of our metabolism. In our practice you learn how intense feelings of hunger are hormonally triggered and how to avoid these, and how you can program your own body to burn fat. Our concept “whoever wants to lose weight must eat“ offers you the possibility to eat your fill and still lose weight.
We inform you about the results of research in nutritional medicine of relevance for you and your daily routine and perform an analysis (BIA measurement) of your body’s physical composition (fat, water, muscle). This allows the recognition, prevention and treatment of muscle wasting due to malnutrition.
Our body weight is also influenced by other factors, such as exercise, stress, sleep quality, hormonal balance, or metabolic type. The results of special laboratory analyses enable us to advise you individually, so that you achieve your feeling of well-being more easily and are able to maintain this feeling permanently.
Other frequent topics in our nutritional consulting are the prevention and therapy of diabetes (Diabetes mellitus Type II), high blood pressure and osteoporosis. In the course of our therapy and your active health care, prescribed medicines can frequently be reduced or even permanently discontinued.
Individual counselling is possible every day by appointment. Group counselling takes place every Tuesday in the time 16:30 – 18:30. You can join us at any time. Our nutrition courses are certified and subidised by the statutory health insurances.
We have already offered our medical nutritional consulting with great success in Hamburg-Winterhude and Norderstedt for 15 years. Avail yourself of our many years of experience here in the HafenCity.
The first step for losing weight: Visit our free medical introductory talk for first-time and other interested persons in the HafenCity practice (please register under the telephone number 040/64661760) or as a video in the Internet under: https://ruhtenberg.info/vortraege-seminare/.
>> Appointments for new patients with Niels Schulz-Ruhtenberg can be made only with this online calendar: https://ruhtenberg.info/arzt-termin-online-buchen/